Jazz at the Mermaid

JAZZ at the MERMAID with Pete Canter & Friends

First Wednesday of the month 8.00pm. £10 advance or £12.50, cash only, on the door.

Jazz at the Mermaid is a popular monthly jazz session hosted by sax/flute/bass player Pete Canter. The venue is the basement at The Mermaid, Gandy St, Exeter. The format is tunes from Pete with the house band and from a few invited sitters-in. Jazz at the Mermaid regularly sells out in the week or so before the session and there may well be no seats available on the door. N.B. Jazz at the Mermaid is NOT an open jam session. Sitters-in are by prior invitation only. Any jazz musicians interested in sitting in should email Pete at lazybirdjazz@hotmail.com

Next session: Wed 2nd April 8.00pm House Band James Clemas keys, Jim Rintoul double bass, Gary Evans drums + Pete Canter sax + invited sitters in.


To request advance seats at £10 email lazybirdjazz@hotmail.com

For those of you that already have payment details, please don’t send money before you have had confirmation from me that advance seats are available.


  1. There are NO REFUNDS for advance seats. Only buy advance seats if you are comfortable with this condition.
  2. Advance seats cannot be transferred to a later date.
  3. Your seats are not reserved until you have paid for them. If they are not paid for within 2 or 3 days of receiving confirmation that they are available, they may be sold to someone else.

Alternatively, and subject to availability, you can pay £12.50, CASH ONLY, on the door.

The minimum age is 14 but under 18s must be accompanied by an adult and have an advance seat. If you are buying an advance seat for a 14-17, you must let me know at the time of booking so that I can give advance notice to the management of The Mermaid. No-one under 18 can come in by paying on the door.