Graphic Scores

Graphic Score #1: Nine Phase
for 4 or more instruments
©️Pete Canter 2023

1. Select one player or a non-player to conduct
2. Distribute chord voices according to instrument range or by any other
3. If 4 voices, the top voice moves slowly between the two highest notes
in phase 4. If there is a 5th voice, it takes the top note in phase 4.
Voices 5,6, etc remain tacet on 4-note chords.
4. Move between phases when cued to do so by the conductor. The ninephase
structure can be repeated several times.
5. The conductor should indicate dynamics using pre-agreed or
mysterious gestures.
6. Written notes can be played in any octave.
7. The modes can be extended upwards or downwards beyond the
written range.
8. In phases 3, 6, 9, players are free to select any notes, can follow any
of the contours, and interpret the the contours in any way they
9. The piece is over either when the conductor says it is over, or when
the players, as if by magic, all stop at the same time.

Graphic Score #2: Palindrome
for any number of instruments.
©️Pete Canter 2024

1. The score reads left to right and top to bottom.
2. Players can interpret the graphics however they wish.
3. The graphic score has no key or particular tempo.
4. Players should vary the dynamics while always listening to each other.
5. Players can start either one by one or all together.
6. Players can repeat particular graphics several times.
7. Players should insert frequent pauses.
8. The piece ends when the last player reaches the end.

Graphic Score #3: Double-sided Score
for 2 instruments that can be played while standing
©️Pete Canter 2024

1. The score is suspended from the ceiling or strung at a comfortable
height with space for the players on both sides.
2. Players face each other on opposite sides of the score.
3. Players can interpret the graphics however they wish.
4. The players can vary the dynamics and tempo of the piece as they
wish but should listen to each other at all times.
5. Beginning at either end of the score, the players move slowly along as
they play it trying to stay in line with each other.
6. Upon reaching the end of the score, the players swap sides and play
back in the opposite direction.
7. The piece ends when both players reach the original start point

Graphic Score #4 Pulse

For several Musicians

©️Pete Canter (2024)

  1. The music has a silent pulse in 5.
  2. The music is mainly silence.
  3. The music reads left to right and top to bottom.
  4. One musician is chosen to count in the pulse using silent gestures.
  5. The musicians attempt to stay in sync with the pulse.
  6. Each graphic starts on the first of 5 beats and lasts for 5 beats.
  7. Musicians can interpret the graphics in any way they please.
  8. The piece ends when all the musicians reach the end of the score.

Hand drawn copies of these graphic scores (not Score #3) are available from Pete at £30 each + p&p. Instructions for musicians will be sent along with the score as a separate typed sheet of paper. Each score is half an A1 sheet, 84 x 29 cm (approx). Scores are the copyright property of Pete Canter and cannot be duplicated or distributed in any way. Purchasers can give public performances of the scores on the condition that the composer/artist Pete Canter is acknowledged and that the performance is reported to Pete. If you would like to buy copies of scores, email Pete at